Tour Path Terrain


Manitoga’s Tour Path leads from the Public Parking Lot up to the House, Studio and the Russel & Mary Wright Design Gallery. All tours include the mandatory walk up this path, which is primarily uneven surfaces lined with wood chips, pea gravel, or other naturally occurring materials and includes areas of incline and decline, several sets of stone steps (including a set of 40+ stone steps with a handrail), and two water crossings. Once at the structures, the interiors also have uneven surfaces and several areas with steps and stairs, most with handrails. Guests must be able to traverse the terrain of the Tour Path and interiors in order to participate in the tour. Manitoga provides this information in advance so that guests are able to assess their comfort level and ability when planning a visit.

Please review the below presentation, which includes photographs and descriptions of the Tour Path terrain. Contact Public Programs Manager, Sarah Pansy, with any questions.